Endless Ocean Wiki

Endless Ocean Luminous is on its way and is set to release on May 2nd, 2024!

In that time, we ask that all editors please do not make edits speculating on or relating to the game. These will be handled and carried out once the game is released.

Until then, happy browsing, and here's to Endless Ocean Luminous!


Endless Ocean Wiki

The White Grouper (Epinephelus aeneus) is a species of grouper found only in Endless Ocean 2.

It has pale scales with slightly darker vertical stripes down its body. These stripes are much more prominent in younger fish.


Marine Encyclopedia[]

Endless Ocean 2[]


"Easily recognized by its pale bands, this variety of grouper weighs around 40-60lb."


Endless Ocean 2[]

White groupers can be found in both Ciceros Strait and Valka Castle.

In Ciceros Strait, they live at coordinates D-1 (in the area of North Canyon between the wreck of the Pride of Athens and the wreck of the Flamingo), C-4 (north of Amphitrite's Sanctuary), and D-7 (in the Triton Village Ruins, near the wreck of the Blood Lotus).

In Valka Castle, they inhabit the easternmost end of the Underwater Gallery at coordinates D-2 northeast, living alongside the menagerie of other fish that also make the area their home.


These fish tend to swim in small, loose groups relatively close to the ocean floor at a leisurely speed. They appreciate being offered food.



  • This creature has the shortest description of any creature in the Endless Ocean series. Other contenders include the green terror, the slender bristlemouth, and the Antarctic silverfish.
  • In the European English translation of Endless Ocean 2, the description replaces "40-60lb" with "20-30kg", although 40-60lb actually translates to the slightly-lower numbers of about 18-27kg. This is likely a simple case of rounding up.

Real-Life Information[]

  • The in-game description is accurate in its report of the white grouper's weight and appearance. The largest white grouper ever caught was 75.8 pounds (34.4 kilograms), and another particularly large specimen was 55 pounds (25 kilograms)[1]. In length, the white grouper can reach a maximum of about 4 feet (120 centimeters), but tends to average out at closer to 2 feet (60 centimeters)[2][3].
  • According to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, the white grouper is considered near threatened[1]. This means that, while it isn't quite yet endangered, it is at risk of becoming so if the threats to its populations - largely overfishing - are not mitigated.
  • The name of the genus this fish belongs to, Epinephelus, is from the Greek word  epinephelos, which means "cloudy"[2][4]. The specific name, aeneus, means "made of bronze" or "brazen"[3][5].
    • The only other members of the genus Epinephelus to appear in either Endless Ocean game are the longtooth grouper, E. bruneus, and the giant grouper, E. lanceolatus.
    • The genus Epinephelus is in the subfamily Epinephelinae, which is in the family Serranidae[6]. Another member of the family Serranidae is the subfamily Anthiadinae, which is home to the genera Anthias and Pseudanthias[7]. This means that, though somewhat distantly, the white grouper is related to fish like the stocky and sunset anthias, as well as the sea goldie, swallowtail sea perch, and purple queen.
    • The white grouper was first described by French naturalist Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire in the year 1817[8][9]. He originally gave it the scientific name Serranus aeneus, but that name has been discarded in favor of Epinephelus aneus[10][11].
      • The white grouper has also been known by the name Perca robusta in the past[12]. Other obsolete scientific names include Chenia aenea, Cherna aenea, and - one quite similar to its current - Epinephelus aenus[11].
  • Other common names for the white grouper include mérou blanc and mérou bronzé in French, cherna de ley in European Spanish, cernia bianca and cernia bronzina in Italian, and lokos in Hebrew[13][12][14].
    • The name "white grouper" is reportedly used for a number of other species, none of which appear in either of the Endless Ocean games. These include the Nassau grouper (Epinephelus striatus), the yellowedge grouper (Hyporthodus flavolimbatus), and the Venezuelan grouper (Mycteroperca cidi)[15].


Red Sea BreamAsian Sheepshead WrasseGolden TrevallyGiant TrevallyLargehead Hairtail
PilotfishMahi-MahiAntarctic ToothfishLongtooth GrouperWhite GrouperHumphead Wrasse
Giant GrouperGreat BarracudaMeagreBartail FlatheadAtlantic TarponAtlantic Bluefin Tuna
Chinook SalmonStriped MarlinIndo-Pacific SailfishOlive FlounderCoelacanthRed Cornetfish
European Conger EelGreat White SharkScalloped HammerheadSand TigerGreenland Shark
Tiger SharkWhale SharkBasking SharkPelagic Thresher SharkGreat Sturgeon
Bowmouth GuitarfishDwarf SawfishRemoraWhitetip Reef SharkBanded HoundsharkEpaulette SharkZebra SharkTasselled WobbegongJapanese Bullhead Shark
Blotchy Swell SharkCloudy CatsharkJapanese AngelsharkJapanese Eagle RayManta Ray

