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Endless Ocean Wiki

The quest titled Stars: The Hero Perseus is one of ten sub-quests in the Voice of the Night Sky main quest.

Completion Process[]

This quest, to be completed, requires the player to find six of the one-hundred Constellation Coins:

After obtaining all of these coins and looking at them in the Collection book, a mysterious voice will speak over the radio, saying:

"...the brave hero...who defeated the...Gorgon...at his long...journey's end...became King of Argos..."

As a reward for completing this quest, L&L Diving Service will receive a reputation boost and the player receives 24,000 Pelagos.

Notebook Description[]

In the notebook, the quest reads, before completion, as follows:

"After the legendary Greek hero Perseus defeated the monster Medusa, he journeyed home on Pegasus. He stopped by the kingdom of Cepheus and Cassiopeia, where he learned that the beautiful princess Andromeda was going to be sacrificed to a sea monster."

After the quest has been completed, the notebook will wrap up the story:

"He dispatched the monster using Medusa's head and lived happily ever after with Andromeda."
